Saturday, October 12, 2024

God's Waiting Room & GIVEAWAY Reminder!

God's waiting room—one of the hardest, most challenging places to find ourselves on this Christian journey. One of the most difficult things about His waiting room is that we don't know the duration. Every trial has a beginning and an end, but God doesn't give us those details. He just says, "Wait." It can feel like the waiting will never end and satan's lies can convince us that God has abandoned us there and that nothing will ever change.

Waiting feels so futile. I feel that if I am not doing something, I am wasting time. Everything in me wants to run ahead and "do" something. Anything. To move things along. To see progress and improvement. To feel like some sort of action is taking place.

In reality, waiting, in itself, is doing something. Waiting on God is an action. Under the surface and behind the scenes, God is always working, and some of the work He is doing is in us, while we are sitting still, waiting, feeling like nothing is happening. In our stillness, He can and does move. There is a process taking place within us while we are waiting that we cannot see during our time in the waiting room.

"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Think about sitting in a doctor's waiting room. All you can see is that you are sitting there, wasting time, and it can feel like it will never be your turn to be seen and heard. But it's not all about you. There are other factors - people, situations, needs, etc., that are being dealt with, and a bustling busyness is happening on the other side of the closed door that you know nothing about. Finally, when the exam room has been emptied, sanitized, and prepared for you, the door opens, and your name is finally called.

I love Joshua 3:3-4, "And they commanded the people, saying, When ye see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests the Levites bearing it, then ye shall remove from your place, and go after it. Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure: come not near unto it, that ye may know the way by which ye must go: for ye have not passed this way heretofore."

The people didn't move until they saw the ark moving. When the ark stopped, they stopped. When the ark waited and stood still, they waited and stood still. Only when the ark moved forward were they to move forward, and there was always to be a 2,000 cubit distance (about 1/2 mile) between them and the ark. They were not to rush ahead of the ark nor lag so far behind that they didn't have clear visibility as to what the ark was doing at any given moment.

Jesus, our Ark of safety, His precious Spirit dwelling within us, knows when it is safe and best for us to stand still and wait and when it is safe and best for us to move. Our journey following Him is not just about us, and our tunnel vision is so narrow. All we can see is how miserable we feel, how tired of waiting we are, that He seems to have forgotten us, that He doesn't care, that everyone else is being seen and heard and getting their name called, while we keep having to wait and our life stays on hold.

What we don't know is that there is a bustling busyness happening behind that closed door, and there are many factors that we cannot see or know about. Sometimes He can't open that door yet because there are things that have to happen before we walk through it. Sometimes He can't give us everything we want exactly when we want because either we aren't ready for it or the process happening behind the closed door is not yet completed.

He sees you. He has not forgotten you. He is fully aware of how long you have been waiting. He sees you AND He sees all that is happening on the other side of that closed door. "From Him cometh your salvation," and when the time is right, He will fling that door open, call your name, and it will be your turn. He has not forgotten you. Trust Him. Trust His timing.


Don't forget to enter our autumn giveaway! It's a nice one! We are giving away 13 gifts, one to commemorate each year of blogging at Homespun Devotions! 

If you would like to enter, click HERE and follow the instructions in that blog post. 

The drawing will be twelve days from today.on Thursday, 10/24/24.


My heart goes out to all who are suffering in the aftermath of Hurricanes Helene and Milton. May God please have mercy on each one who was affected and send relief and meet every need, in Jesus' name. If you want to donate to a worthy cause, there is none more worthy (in my opinion) than Samaritan's Purse. If you feel led to give to them, click here.


As we sense the sadness, devastation, fears surrounding the upcoming presidential election, concerns over all that is happening in the Middle East, economic strain, and a general underlying sense of panic and impending doom, I want to remind you that none of these things surprise our Lord. He is fully aware of all that is happening. 

Instead of feeling alarmed by current events, just read Matthew 24, and take heart in knowing that all that is currently happening is a direct fulfillment of what Jesus said would happen. What we are seeing actually confirms our faith and proves that what we have been taught all these years is true! 

We are living in the last days, God's Word foretold the awful calamities that would come to pass during this time, and all these things must happen before that blessed day of our Lord Jesus' return! Seeing these signs of the times bolsters my courage and fills my heart with excitement to think that our Redemption is closer than ever! What if we are the generation that will see Him burst through those clouds to catch away His waiting bride? Can you imagine being alive to see that sight?

The "Gleams of that Golden Morning" are visible more than they have ever been! It is a time to rejoice and lift up our heads! 
Our redemption draws nigh!


  1. Beautifully written, Cheryl! So true that waiting IS doing something- and it honors God when we do. Oh, how I have to remind myself that when I wait on the Lord it shows that I trust Him. It's easier to meditate on this truth when it's easy or I think I've improved, but shouldn't forget when it's hard.
    I love that passage in Joshua and the song you shared! Sweet friend, thank you for the encouragement. Still praying for you.
    Much love,

    1. Thank you, dear friend! I so appreciate you, your friendship, support, and most of all, your prayers. Sending much love back to you. God bless you!

  2. Can't sign in for some reason I'm on mobile. Agree with you Cheryl too re Matt 28, I've just read through the Gospels now in Acts and so much around us is the sign of the times. Amen even so come Lord Jesus 🙏 🙌.
    Praying for you for God's blessing upon you and your family.
    Shaz in Oz.x

    1. Dear sister, it was so wonderful to see your sweet comment. Yes! Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus! I so appreciate your prayers and am praying for you, too. Sending much love and hugs your way!

  3. This is a timely reminder for me, dear Cheryl, that our time in the waiting room is not wasted and is not for nothing. Thank you for always being obedient to what God would have you share. Love, Bronda

    1. Thank you, dear Bronda, for your sweet visit and kind words. Sending much love to you today, sweet friend.

  4. Waiting can be difficult, but God’s timing is perfect! I love this post, my friend! Thank you!!

    1. Thank you, dear Pam! I'm so thankful for you and your support. Sending love to you this beautiful Lord's Day!

  5. Cheryl, this right here is such a consolation - 'Waiting on God is an action.' Therein is our peace because He 'doeth all things well' even if we can't begin to understand what's going on. Thank you for this encouragement today, friend. It's such a joy to see you writing again. Thank You, Lord.

    1. Dear Linda! Your words touched my heart so deeply. I appreciate you and your encouragement so very much, sweet friend. God bless you richly!

  6. Hi Cheryl! I love what you said here about the fact that our waiting on God is an action and how it is working in us, changing us, sanctifying us as is clearly stated in the verse you shared from Isaiah. This post encouraged my heart today. Thanks so much for sharing. I appreciate you so much!

  7. Cheryl, this is a beautiful and inspiring message. Thank you for sharing it with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #59. ♡
