Tuesday, October 29, 2024

An Exciting Announcement!

When I began this blog on October 1, 2011, our son, Zach, was 10 years old. Through these years of blogging, you have read many stories about my husband, Kevin, Zach, and me. I've shared smiles and victories, and I've also told you about a small portion of some of the trials and heartaches we have encountered over the past 13 years.

It is hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that Zach is now 23. My, how the years have flown! How can this be? It feels like time has slipped in and stolen something so precious from me. I feel like we should still be sitting together, side-by-side, in our little homeschool area of our previous home. I feel like we should be getting ready to head out on some field trip or adventure with Mom like we did so many days in the past.

When I look at Zach now, it is hard for me to hold back the tears as I remember what it was like when he was a little boy, growing up, running over our two acres with his pack of dogs. It feels like, in so many ways, that we grew up together. Now that Zach is grown, he and Kevin and I are the very best of friends. 

Cain is one of our favorite groups, and this song by them reminds me so much of Kevin, Zach, and me.

If I could, I would go back and relive those dear, precious childhood days a million times over again and watch him grow and feel that sense of wonder as he discovered what life was all about.

But life isn't lived backward. We get no do-overs. We can't relive the past, no matter how much we want to. Time is an onward march, constantly moving, continually propelling us forward.

We can't relive those growing-up years, but we can rejoice together that God let us live them in the first place. Our hearts are filled with praise to the Lord that Zach sought Him early in life and that he loves Jesus with all his heart. We are so incredibly proud of him for completing the Biblical Studies program at Liberty University online and for the ways God is using that experience in his life.

If you know our story, you already know that Kevin and I waited 12.5 years for our dear boy. After so much heartache and disappointment, God opened my barren womb and miraculously sent Zach to us. Each moment God gives us to spend with him is beyond precious to us, and we will never be able to thank the Lord enough for him.

All through the years, Kevin and I have done our utmost best to raise Zach in the fear of the Lord and to instill in him a tender sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. The three of us have prayed innumerable prayers together, as we have daily gathered around our family altar to seek the face of God. As we look at Zach now and see the Godly man that Kevin and I prayed so many prayers he would become, our hearts are overwhelmed with gratitude that God allows us to be his parents.

One of Zach's passions is gaming, and several years ago, he started a gaming YouTube channel where he has shared live streams, solo gameplay videos, and games with friends. Today, I am super excited to announce that recently, to his channel, Zach started uploading thoughts that the Lord is laying on his heart. His edifying words have been such an encouragement to me, personally, that I wanted to share them with all of you!

So far, he has uploaded six episodes, beginning with this one.

If you would like to check out Zach's channel, click here

And if you feel led to leave some encouragement for Zach, that would mean the world to me! He has often heard me speak of many of you through the years, and he and Kevin and I pray for you on a regular basis.

Thank you for your support and kindness to us all these years. Some of you readers have been with us since the very onset of this blog. Whether you have been here for the duration or recently subscribed, we want you to know we value you and deeply appreciate you choosing to take the time to read our words. Thank you to each one who has bought our books and so faithfully supported our endeavors.

We appreciate each one of you very much.


  1. Thank you so much Zach for your perfect and timely message. It's exactly what I needed to hear today! My family was Blessed to meet you in SC before you moved, and I'm so proud of the young man you've grown to be. You've had a heart for the Lord since I met you, and I'm so happy to see you've completed the Biblical Studies program at Liberty. I know that no matter where life takes you, you'll be serving him wherever you are, whatever you do from here. Please tell your parents hello. You all are so special! Love you, Anne Wannamaker

    1. Oh, Anne! It was SO wonderful to see your sweet comment today! We love you and Scott so much and I think of you from time to time. I'm so glad we met you and I deeply appreciate your kind words to Zach. I will make sure he sees them. Please always keep in touch and call me anytime you can. God bless you always!

  2. David & I love all 3 of you so much! Zachary's videos are so inspirational! He has grown into an amazing man & is so smart! We always look forward to his words of wisdom & encouragement! Can't wait to see y'all in Nov!

    1. Oh, we love you and David so much, too! I am SO thankful for your support and kind words and encouragement to Zach and all the ways you and David have been there for him and helped him. You and David are such a blessing to the three of us, and you will never know how much we love and appreciate you both. We are SO excited to see you both in Nov., too! Lord willing, it will be here before we know it. We can hardly wait!

  3. Such a sweet post and tribute to your son, Cheryl! I could sense how bittersweet it is: the years passing and yet joy over the memories. Beautiful song! I'd never heard it nor the group before.
    I'm enjoying Zach's videos; really makes one stop and think!
    Blessings to all of you and much love,

    1. Yes, dear friend, it surely is so bittersweet. If I think about it for very long, I have a major meltdown, so I try to keep my eyes on Jesus and looking ahead, not behind. Oh, my! You have to check out Cain's music! We got to see them live several weeks ago, and it was amazing! Their music has helped us through a lot. It makes me SO happy to know that you are enjoying Zach's videos. That just fills my heart to know that. Thank you for your kindness and support and encouragement and most of all your prayers. Sending many blessings back to you and much love to you and your parents. Praying for you tonight.

  4. Oh my, Cheryl, I know you’re so very proud of your gift of Zach, your most loved son that you waited for for so long. I loved hearing him and watching him and knowing his gratefulness in his surroundings. We need to thank God for even the little things.
    Thank you for sharing this video of Zach and tell him that you all are prayed for. God bless all of you.

    1. Aw, Kitty, Kevin and I surely are so proud of dear Zach! The waiting for him was all worthwhile, that's for sure. God has been so much better to me than I will ever deserve. I am SO happy you enjoyed hearing and watching Zach's video. I am so thankful for your support and encouragement. I will tell him and thank you so much for your prayers. God bless you, too, sweet friend!

  5. Congratulations on 13 years of blogging, Cheryl. And what a beautiful family you have; thanks for sharing about your life.

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet visit and kind wirds, Lisa! I was so blessed by your comment. God bless you always!

  6. Thank you for sharing your most encouraging post.
    It's always exciting to hear of an adult child following the Lord.

    You're most welcome to join me in a cuppa at Tea With Jennifer.

    Visiting from Paula's today.
    Blessings, Jennifer

  7. It is so glorious to be a parent and have your child/children grow to adulthood and become or exceed your hopes and dreams for them. I hug my boys and their lovable wives in my mind everyday. Lovely post, Sandi

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet visit and kind words, Sandi! Yes, it surely is so glorious to live to see those answered prayers on behalf of our children. May the Lord bless you and your family always.

  8. What joy to see our children walking with the Lord. I praise Him with you for Zach's commitment to live his life for Christ. May God use him in an incredible way as he reaches out to his generation. Praying for your family even as we speak, friend.

    1. Thank you dear, sweet friend, for praising the Lord with me. I deeply appreciate your prayers for my family and me. What a gift! Thank you for your faithful support and friendship. You mean a lot to me. May the blessings of the Lord rest continually on you, Tim, and your family.

  9. Cheryl, I know you and Kevin are so proud of Zach! To see young men following the Lord is so encouraging. Thank you for your years of blogging. Your writing is so inspiring, my friend.

    1. Thank you so much, dear Pam! Your kind words just meant so much to me. I am so grateful for you and the blessing you are to me. May the Lord bless you and your family always, dear friend.

  10. What an awesome godly son you have! You two done raised him up right. Does he need a wife? I have two daughters he can choose from! But of couse you will other have mamas trying to get their Christian daughters married to Zach.😍

    1. Thank you, sweet friend! I so appreciated your kind words! ALL glory to Jesus for anything done right. LOL!😂 You are right about that! We will see how the Lord leads! 😁 I love and appreciate you.

  11. Cheryl, congratulations on all your years of blogging. More so, congratulations on raising a son who walks with Jesus. What a blessing to you and your husband! Thank you for sharing his sweet video!

    1. Thank you, dear Joanne! Your words were such a blessing and encouragement to me. All glory to the dear Lord. Yes, Zach certainly is an immeasurable blessing to Kevin and me. We are so thankful to God for him and his walk with Jesus. I appreciate you!

  12. Such a beautiful loving tribute to your gifted son, Zach. You and Kevin waited years to be blessed with a loving son. Congrats to Zach and you for 13 years of blogging. Blessings.

    1. Dear Linda! Thank you so much for your sweet visit and kind words! They meant so much to me. We sure did wait a long time, but God sent us such a dear son, all in His perfect time. God bless you, sweet friend! You are a blessing to me, and I appreciate you!

  13. I needed this today. Ty

    1. Thank you so much for visiting and leaving encouragement for us.

  14. Oh how wonderful Cheryl, that Zach is sharing the Lord. What an amazing young man you have there. And I also love the song from Cain.
    Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful milestone with Sweet Tea & Friends this month my friend.

    1. Thank you, dear Paula, for your sweet visit and kind words. I appreciate you, sweet friend.

  15. Popping back over to let you know I'll be featuring your post at my December Sweet Tea & Friend's Link Up.

    1. Aw, thank you so much for featuring my post, kind friend. I appreciate it so much!

  16. Replies
    1. God bless you, Victor. It was so nice to see your kind comment.

  17. Wonderful news! I hope all goes perfectly for him. God will lead, I'm sure.
    May you receive clarity from God about what's next in this new year for you. Step into your God given destiny!
    Be blessed,
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

    1. Thank you, Laura. Clarity, yes, please dear Lord! Taking it one day at a time and trusting Him. I hope all is well with you and your family.
