Wednesday, August 3, 2022

I Was Interviewed by Blake Barbera of "That You May Know Him"~Watch Here!

 "Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon His name, make known His deeds among the people."
1 Chronicles 16:8

I was recently so blessed to be interviewed by Blake Barbera of the "That You May Know Him" podcast. Blake read my book, "Biblical Minimalism" and reached out to talk to me about it. Sitting down and chatting with Blake was an honor and joy. I hope our interview will be a blessing to you.

(If you prefer to listen to the podcast, click here.)

For a wealth of encouragement and spiritual edification, please visit and subscribe to Blake's YouTube channel and check out his website here

May God bless each of you on your journey toward heaven!


  1. Thank you dear Cheryl for sharing your heart with us thru this beautiful interview! I so appreciate hearing your story of clinging to Jesus and obeying His voice. You are a true encouragement! Gid bless you and Blake both! --BettieG

    1. Thank you ever so much for watching, dear Bettie! I am so grateful for your support, prayers, encouragement, and friendship all these years. May God richly bless you.

  2. Cheryl, thank you so much for sharing how God has worked and is working in your life. You are a blessing, sweet friend!

    1. Thank you, Pam! God bless you, sweet friend.

  3. This is such a beautiful testimony of how the Lord works in our lives! You shared so powerfully how the Lord led you to the place of letting go, and then the freedom found there in releasing the stuff that held so much bondage in your life. I pray that the Lord continues to put you on a path where your book can shine light and hope into other people's lives who are facing similar situations. The Lord is working in you to accomplish great and mighty things for His name's sake!

    1. Dear, sweet Marilyn! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words and encouragement. I am so grateful for you. May God bless you again and again, dear friend!
