"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 8:38,39
I love to read blogs written by bloggers who dig deep into the Word of God.
Each time I visit the blog written by the dear lady being interviewed in this post,
I find encouragement and a depth of rich, spiritual insight.
So many times, she has stopped by here and left a kind comment that has boosted my spirits
and given me courage to keep pressing forward on this blogging journey.
It is with so much joy I share her interview with you today!
Michele is wife to a patient husband, Mum to four young men and a daughter-in-love, and, now, Gram to one adorable grandboy. Her days are spent homeschooling, reading piles of books, and, in the summer, tending their beautiful (but messy) garden and canning the vegetables. She loves to teach the Bible and is privileged to gather weekly around a table with the women of her church and to blog at Living Our Days about the grace she is receiving and the lessons from God’s Word that she is trusting.
And, now I gratefully share with you, the
Michele Morin.
Cheryl: Please tell us about yourself.
Michele: I’m a 53 year old mum to four guys who get taller and smarter everyday, and raising them has been job one for the past twenty two years. For twenty six years, I’ve been married to an unreasonably patient man, learning what it means to be “heirs together of the grace of life". Unbelievably, I still discover new qualities to appreciate about him -- God’s greatest gift to me. We live on a country hill in Maine, and every summer I plant a big garden that keeps me well-entertained – and keeps our family in green beans, spaghetti sauce, pickles, etc. for the year. Our church family is located in a small fishing village about a half hour east of us. They’ve loved us well, we’ve raised our kids together, my oldest son met his wife there, and the ladies join me in studying the Word of God in Sunday School and in our Ladies Missionary Fellowship group which has been meeting since the days when we met for lunch and rolled bandages for “the War.”
Cheryl: How did you meet your husband? To what do you credit the longevity of your marriage?
Michele's four sons in 2010
Michele's sweet grandson, Raymond
Cheryl: How did you meet your husband? To what do you credit the longevity of your marriage?
Michele: The patient husband and I met at a Child Evangelism Fellowship teacher training class. We were friends for years, and I was happily single – really not expecting to get married. We called our dates “friendship appointments,” but, to my surprise, we fell in love, and it was clear that God wanted us together. We’ve weathered some rough days together: the deaths of three of our parents and one of his sisters, the pull and haul of raising a family and managing a home, but I am blessed to report that marriage has been a lightener of the load. I was asked once, years ago, by a friend who had known me in my independent, career-oriented single days how I managed to live at peace in my role as a wife and mum. The words that floated to the surface then are still true today: Trusting God and trusting my husband.
Michele and her husband, Calvin, on their happy wedding day
Michele: When I played with dolls as a little girl, I was never their mother. I was always either their nurse or their teacher, so homeschooling for our family came as a natural consequence of all the “teaching” that happened when our boys were tiny. We just sort of grew into it. Now, seventeen years later, we see that by homeschooling we have given our children the gift of control over their time. With only my husband’s work schedule to accommodate, we were able to have a family breakfast with morning devotions, to emphasize music and creativity as part of their daily learning, and each of the boys has had the opportunity to learn a trade along with college preparatory course work in high school. (My youngest starts high school this year, and I expect he will do the same.) In the early years it was wonderful to have everyone home together, to be able to have a little more control over outside influences, but here’s the thing: it’s crucial that we not make decisions about our children out of fear. Homeschooling is hard work, and fear is not strong enough to carry a busy mum through the commitment, daily sacrifices, and time pressure that comes with teaching children at home.
Cheryl: As a long-time homeschooling mother, what would you define as your most difficult moment? During that time, how did you find strength to continue?
Michele: As a homeschooling mother the word that comes to my mind first when I think about homeschooling is: HARD! It takes preparation and planning, and then the daily routine can feel a little bit like a straightjacket. My boys span eight years, so there were only five years in which all four of them were in school together, but they’re a rowdy crew. I’m sure that there are boys out there who enjoy polishing a sentence until it shines or pondering the amazing relationships among numbers that math reveals – but not my boys. My most difficult moments in homeschooling have been when I have forgotten that I am teaching children – not subjects. I still battle perfectionism and impatience almost every day. Having said that, we have wonderful memories of reading books aloud together, lots of hands-on learning, and days of blessed chaos and togetherness.
Cheryl: What is the most important thing we should teach our children in this modern age?
Cheryl: What is the most important thing we should teach our children in this modern age?
Michele: My husband and I have tried to remind our children that whatever they have in their hand, God will use. This honors their uniqueness, and it also encourages them to strive to refine their gifts, to have lots of good things “in their hands”: not so that they can become proud or self-centered, but so that they can offer them back to God in service and in love.
Cheryl: If you could go back and change one thing about your life, thus far, what would it be?
Cheryl: If you could go back and change one thing about your life, thus far, what would it be?
Michele: I’m a slow learner, so I’ve pretty much been working on one lesson for my entire life. It has impacted everything I’ve ever done, and it’s this: The importance of valuing relationships over tasks. I was a machine in college, working several jobs and pushing, always pushing for excellent grades. I burned a lot of bridges, and even as a mum I’ve missed a lot of eye contact and focused listening that I would like to go back and re-capture. Even so, I’m thankful for the mentors God has provided along the way, for the patience and grace of a husband who consistently reminds me that our boys are my priority – not the house work or ministry or any of the other idols I manufacture.
Cheryl: When did you become a Christian? What life events led you to make the decision to follow Jesus?
Michele: When I was in junior high, I began attending Sunday School somewhat regularly and my teacher had just come home from a year of Bible college. She took us through the book of James, and I realized that everything James said about needing wisdom from above and the futility of controlling my tongue in my own strength was TRUE. I didn’t follow the Lord consistently at first, but God placed faithful people like sign posts along my path – and He used the hot fires and deep water of living in a family that was shaped by alcoholism and mental illness to strengthen and refine what He had begun.
Cheryl: So many times, I have come to your blog seeking encouragement, and I have found Scriptural depths that have fed and nourished my soul. Can you describe how the Lord reveals His mind to you concerning blog posts? Is there a certain place you like to go to find His inspiration?
Cheryl: So many times, I have come to your blog seeking encouragement, and I have found Scriptural depths that have fed and nourished my soul. Can you describe how the Lord reveals His mind to you concerning blog posts? Is there a certain place you like to go to find His inspiration?
Michele: I’m convinced that the Lord speaks to us through His Word. If we say that we want to hear His voice but do not put ourselves in regular contact with the primary means by which He has promised to communicate, we’re only kidding ourselves. It is my responsibility to “show up,” to hold myself before the mirror of God’s written Word and to bask in the miracle of His unwavering attention. Most of what I write comes as a result of whatever I’m learning. I want to challenge my readers to push themselves beyond biblical literacy and into biblical fluency! When I’m teaching a series to my Sunday morning women, I have usually published a weekly blog post for them – and for whoever else happens to read it. Regular reading and studying for a blogger are like finger exercises for a musician. They strengthen and build skill so that when it is time to play a piece of challenging music, the raw material is there.
Cheryl: When did you begin blogging? What is the main objective of your blog? How has blogging enriched your life?
Cheryl: When did you begin blogging? What is the main objective of your blog? How has blogging enriched your life?
Michele: My pastor invited me to write guest posts for our church’s blog, and the idea of starting a blog of my own began from there. I’ve just finished my second year of blogging at Living Our Days, a phrase I borrowed from a statement by Annie Dillard: “The way we live our days will be, after all, the way we live our life.” I’ve carried that quote in my heart for most of my mothering years, because I struggled so in the early years when I came to the end of the day exhausted, yet feeling as if I had accomplished nothing. Learning to value the daily development of relationships with my boys, to slow down and be thankful for hummingbirds and the flapping of clean sheets on the clothesline and papier-mache Viking hats perched on four precious heads was a daily discipline for me. With that in mind, I write about the intersection of family life and theology. I review Christian books that encourage (mostly) women to become all that God wants us to be. Blogging has enriched my life in two ways: first, it has provided accountability for my writing. Second, it has introduced me to a community of writers and thinkers who consistently challenge me to step outside my comfort zone and to press on in this life of believingly following Jesus Christ.
Cheryl: What is your passion? What fulfills you most?
Cheryl: What is your passion? What fulfills you most?
Michele: Isaiah 58 with its challenge to “extend my soul” to the needy has long been a favorite passage. It promises renewal in times of drought which I know applies to the people of Israel in exile, but as a child of God, adopted into Abraham’s line, I experience God’s work of “bone strengthening” and “garden-watering”, and especially appreciate the truth of verse 12: “You shall raise up the foundations of many generations; And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, the Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.” Somewhere along the way I heard someone loosely translate that last phrase as “the rebuilder of paths leading home.” This is my passion in this season of my life. I am past the mid-point in my parenting days with my third and fourth sons both in high school, but my investment in all four boys will go on and even though there was estrangement and alienation in my family of origin, I am trusting God for a new beginning with our boys in which the path leading home will always be open.
Cheryl: What is your favorite thing about being a grandmother? Can you tell us about your grandson and how he brightens your life?
Michele: I consider myself to be still a “Grandmother in Training” since we have just one grandson, and he’s not quite two, but what a joy that little brown-eyed boy has been! Best of all, he provides one more way in which we can help and support our son and his sweet wife. We want to be available for counsel and babysitting, to pray with and for them, to teach and train that little guy in righteousness alongside his parents. Whenever I review children’s books, he definitely has input to the process in some way!
Cheryl: You often do book reviews on your blog. Can you share with us about some of your favorite books? Are there certain books that you have felt a desire to read more than once?
Cheryl: You often do book reviews on your blog. Can you share with us about some of your favorite books? Are there certain books that you have felt a desire to read more than once?
Michele: I could talk about books and authors all day! I have gone through lots of “phases” in my reading life, but running through all of them has been a return to certain authors who have been “book mentors” to me. For instance, Luci Shaw and Madeleine L’Engle have inspired me with the beauty of their writing and the great care they take in the formation of every sentence. If I have any iron in my soul at all, it is likely because Elisabeth Elliot’s words have galvanized me in the pursuit of God. I used to read a lot more widely than I do now: lots and lots of fiction, random biographies, memoirs, history. However, about five years ago, I began to look at my reading time as an investment – I really don’t have much time to read during the day (although, as the boys become more independent, that is changing), so I wanted to be more intentional in my choices of reading material. I started reading books by John Piper and other theologians, and somewhere along the way I started blogging and learned that I could review books for publishers. The only thing more satisfying than reading a great book is the fun of talking about it and sharing it with others. One of my goals as a reader and as a blogger is to transition from reading so many new books so that I will have more time to read and to share some ancient classics with my readers.
Cheryl: In the church today, we are involved in a continual cultural war against evil. Iniquity is abounding, as Jesus prophesied it would. How can we overcome the prevalent evil with good? What are some things you do, on a personal level, to make a positive difference?
Cheryl: In the church today, we are involved in a continual cultural war against evil. Iniquity is abounding, as Jesus prophesied it would. How can we overcome the prevalent evil with good? What are some things you do, on a personal level, to make a positive difference?
Michele: When I think about the climate of evil on this planet, I am tempted to feel helpless – that there’s nothing I can do about something so pervasive. Then I remember that I have influence in my small world – that one day (sooner than I like to think about) there will be four more “Morin families” headed by men that my husband and I have trained and loved. Strong families make for strong churches, and we need to follow the example of the early church in our commitment to demonstrate that “God is truly among” us (I Cor. 14:25).
Cheryl: What encouragement can you offer the reader who is tired from the intense fight against wrong? How do you personally stay encouraged to press on in the face of increasing opposition to holiness in our culture? What are some of your favorite Scripture verses, hymns, and other sources of encouragement?
Cheryl: What encouragement can you offer the reader who is tired from the intense fight against wrong? How do you personally stay encouraged to press on in the face of increasing opposition to holiness in our culture? What are some of your favorite Scripture verses, hymns, and other sources of encouragement?
Michele: Amy Carmichael, missionary to India in the late 1800’s and into the early 1900’s was vexed at being delayed in her journey to India. The boat was docked en route for several days, and she marveled that her traveling companion and senior missionary colleague was taking it all in stride so well. The wise woman’s words to Amy became a byword for her for the rest of her ministry whenever things did not go as expected: “God knows all about the boats.” I try to remember this, for I am guilty of praying “prescriptive” prayers to the God of the universe, telling Him how He should handle matters both big and small. When our boys were just entering the teen years, I often felt overwhelmed by the many “new” influences that found their way into our home. I pictured myself flung, spread-eagle and wild-eyed against a bulging door, trying to hold out evil. This was NOT a helpful mindset! The majestic words of Romans 8, the reminder from Psalm 46 that it is possible to be still in the midst of tumult, great hymns of the faith, remembering the discipline of gratitude: these are key to reminding me that God is sovereign. He “knows all about the boats,” and He knows all about whatever it is that is frightening or worrying or frustrating me on this planet.
Cheryl: Describe what you consider to be a perfect day.
Cheryl: Describe what you consider to be a perfect day.
Michele: For my husband and me, the most glorious sound on this earth is the laughter of our boys when they are all together. Anything that we do as a family ends up being the perfect day, which is surprising because my boys continually push me out of my comfort zone. Recently, we paddled our way TEN MILES down a river. It was beautiful, but I was a wreck, worrying about the fading daylight, the fallen trees and rock outcroppings that formed an underwater obstacle course to challenge our paddling prowess. I do love being outdoors, and when there is a free minute, a cup of tea, a book, my journal, and a sunny spot on our country hill . . . ahhh!
Cheryl: Can you tell us about SheLoves Magazine? What is your personal involvement in this ministry? What is (in)courage? How can our readers become involved and participate?
Michele: For me, blogging has been a community affair right from the beginning. Before I even considered writing myself, I was enjoying the inspirational offerings of other bloggers through gatherings such as SheLoves Magazine and (in)courage. I was much too timid to comment at first, but read faithfully, and eventually felt led to comment on posts that spoke to me. Good conversations came from that (heart-pounding) risk-taking, and one day I mustered up my courage and started submitting my own words as guest posts here and there. I cherish the diversity of these communities, and my thoughts are continually challenged by writers whose geography, race, age, faith traditions are different from my own.
Cheryl: How can we pray for you at this current season of life?
Michele: It is my deepest desire to finish well in this parenting journey, to continue to build into my boys, and to be faithful in giving them roots and wings. As they grow and become more independent, I’m trusting for wisdom to know how to use my time and to be disciplined in study so that my writing and my teaching will be grounded in Truth.
Cheryl: Can you tell us about SheLoves Magazine? What is your personal involvement in this ministry? What is (in)courage? How can our readers become involved and participate?
Michele: For me, blogging has been a community affair right from the beginning. Before I even considered writing myself, I was enjoying the inspirational offerings of other bloggers through gatherings such as SheLoves Magazine and (in)courage. I was much too timid to comment at first, but read faithfully, and eventually felt led to comment on posts that spoke to me. Good conversations came from that (heart-pounding) risk-taking, and one day I mustered up my courage and started submitting my own words as guest posts here and there. I cherish the diversity of these communities, and my thoughts are continually challenged by writers whose geography, race, age, faith traditions are different from my own.
Cheryl: How can we pray for you at this current season of life?
Michele: It is my deepest desire to finish well in this parenting journey, to continue to build into my boys, and to be faithful in giving them roots and wings. As they grow and become more independent, I’m trusting for wisdom to know how to use my time and to be disciplined in study so that my writing and my teaching will be grounded in Truth.
What a noble desire and request for prayer, Michele!
A big thank you for this wonderful interview.
It was so nice to get to know you better.
You are such a blessing to us all!
Be sure to go by and check out Michele's blog and consider becoming a subscriber,
and please do keep Michele and her requests in your prayers.
God bless you, and thank you so much for reading, dear friends!
To read previous
click the links below.
What a treat to get to know Michele better! Thank you for this beautiful inner view. Your blog and your presence is a blessing. (I'm following Michele on Lori Schumacher's blog this week which let me to your spece.) Bless you!
ReplyDeleteIt was truly a treat for me, too, Julie! Your precious words of encouragement today were such a blessing to me, and I can't thank you enough for your sweet visit! God bless you abundantly!
DeleteJulie, I so appreciate your interest -- and I agree wholeheartedly with your thoughts on Cheryl's blog. I've learned and been encouraged through my visits here.
DeleteSuch a wonderful interview! I have enjoyed Michele's blog and writing and it was a joy to get to know her a little but more through this interview. Blessings to you both!
ReplyDeleteThank you so very much, Joanne! What a blessing your words were to us today! God bless you richly, in return!
DeleteJoanne, your words are an encouragement to me so often! Thanks for visiting here in this peaceful place!
DeleteMichele, I so love your grace. I love that you have introduced me to the phrase 'he knows all about the boats', I love that your heart for your boys mirrors so many of we mothers who try so hard to show them Jesus through our mothering. I love that I've gotten to know you just a little bit more from reading this.
ReplyDeleteBev! What a treat to find your face here. You are a continual challenge to me, and I'm so grateful for our partnership in the Gospel. Praying for you, friend.
DeleteThank you for your visit and encouragement, Bev! God bless you. :)
DeleteMichele- what a delight this was to learn more about you! You are full of wisdom and love for your Savior. I'm honored to know someone like you!
ReplyDeleteBlessings and Prayers to you as you continue your journey ministering to all within your reach!
Thank you for your sweet visit, Julie. God bless you!
DeleteJulie, the gift of friendship with those who are like-minded has been one of my biggest blessings in this blogging journey! Thank you for your continual encouragement!
DeleteWOW! Michele, the more I get to know you, the more I admire and appreciate you! I am so grateful for your thoughtful and heart-felt review of my book, "Name Above All Names Alphabet: Focusing on 26 Alphabetical Names of Christ," and for your insightful comments on my weekly blog posts. I loved hearing more about your "inner views" in this post. I especially liked this quote, "Amy Carmichael, missionary to India in the late 1800’s and into the early 1900’s was vexed at being delayed in her journey to India. The boat was docked en route for several days, and she marveled that her traveling companion and senior missionary colleague was taking it all in stride so well. The wise woman’s words to Amy became a byword for her for the rest of her ministry whenever things did not go as expected: “God knows all about the boats.” And this memorable quote by Annie Dillard: “The way we live our days will be, after all, the way we live our life.” You truly are an inspiration to me, as a mom, a grandmother, and a writer...many, many blessings to you and your sweet family!
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting, sweet Beth! Your presence is always a blessing! God bless you. :)
DeleteBeth, you know I always enjoy hearing from you! Every blessing as you ponder your next writing project!
DeleteWhat a joy to get to know you better! Thanks Cheryl and Michele for this encouraging insight abotu a true encourager : ) So much wisdom to soak in here. So thankful for your example!
ReplyDeleteThank you, dear Bethany, for your sweet visit and kind words! God bless you!
DeleteThank you, Bethany, for your encouraging Tweet today.
Deleteany of the other idols I manufacture that hit me hard!!
ReplyDeleteI'm working on becoming more like Christ, and it's a struggle to concentrate consistently on Him. Reading the Bible, and praising are the key for me!
I think Christian homeschooling mothers are the backbone of our next generation!
Thank you for sharing Michele!
Living Proverbs31
So thankful for your dear encouragement and kind words! God bless you abundantly!
DeleteWow, "the backbone of the next generation." That's a lot to live up to, but I do believe that strong families will lead to strong churches, and am trusting that the influence will be felt at all levels of our communities -- and our nation.
DeleteWith the phrase you mentioned about idols, I think I am indebted to John Piper who refers to his heart as an "idol factory." That cut me when I first heard it, because I know myself to be capable of making an idol out of almost anything: a blog, a child, an item on my list for the day. Anything. "Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it . . ."
Thanks for your words of encouragement, today!
A beautiful innerview about Michele. She is inspiring and is a woman who has her priorities in order. May God bless her and give her the desires of her heart!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words and sweet visit, Mary. God bless you!
DeleteIsn't it fun how Cheryl calls them "inner views"? She does a terrific job tailoring her questions to each person in order to bring maximum glory to God. Thanks for reading and for taking time to connect!
DeleteMichele ... Cheryl's chat with you has taken my knowing you to a whole new level. How interesting to hear so many behind the scenes details of your life.
ReplyDeleteI've so loved this conversation she has shared!
So thankful for your encouraging visit, Linda! God bless you!
DeleteIt's true, Linda, that you and I usually meet around books and theology, not around the mundane details of my life. I'm thankful for the way Cheryl has of drawing out the details and then encouraging her "subjects" to share how God is at work in the midst of it all.
DeleteAnd I'm also thankful for our friendship. Praying for you in the midst of your new venture!
I would love to sit on the front porch with both of your, Michele and Cheryl's and see your faces as you share about your lives. Thanks Cheryl's for putting this interview as your post, very encouraging. I really like the part about homeschooling because of fear. Also how you break life down to only those you have influences over as a way of not becoming overwhelmed with the big picture. Good wisdom in this post..
ReplyDeleteAnd, we would love to sit on the front porch with you, dear Betty! What a blessing that would be! One day, when we all get to Heaven, we will have all eternity to catch up and become better acquainted, right? Not sure how it will all work over there, but, what a comfort that we will be there together! God bless you! So thankful for your visit!
DeleteOh, Betty, your words are such an encouragement, because those questions certainly sent me searching: "What AM I doing, Lord?"
DeleteI was challenged years ago not to homeschool (or parent) out of fear, and have tried to carry that into my boys' teen (and adult) years as well.
Blessings, Betty. I think heaven is going to have a big, beautiful front porch!
Cheryl, bless you for sharing Michelle's journey with us, Love! You both are such awesome women of GOD and I just adore you! Sending love, hugs, and blessings to you both! :-)
ReplyDeleteHow sweet you are, dear Tai! Thank you for your encouraging, kind words! God bless you!
DeleteWhat a gift, Tai, to see your sweet smile here today! May God richly bless you in your ministry of prayer.
DeleteIt never ceases to amaze me how (and where from) do you get all these people you interview on Inner Views. You must be very well connected. And also your varied questions which are relevant to whoever you are interviewing. Brilliant.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
Victor, your words mean the world to me. You just have no idea how much I appreciate you and your encouragement and support. God bless you abundantly, my friend. :)
DeleteShe does a great job, doesn't she, Victor? I'm always encouraged here!
DeleteI love everything about this! Michele is one of my favorites in the blogging world. She teaches me so much through her writing and blesses me with how she cares for me and her other readers. I seriously want to be able to read as many books as she does when I grow up.
ReplyDeleteWe share a love for boys since I have sons as well and was a teacher outside of the home for 30 years. Thank you Cheryl for this interview and thank you Michele for being you!
Thank you, sweet Mary, for your kind remarks and encouragement. God bless you!!
DeleteMary, I cherish our friendship, and am upholding you in prayer during these days of flickering light and shadow. So thankful for all our points of connection.
DeleteFun to get to know you better, Michele! I love what you had to say about homeschooling. So encouraging to me. And yes, relationships over projects. every time. :-) I have a hard time with that too!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your visit, Betsy! God bless you. ;)
DeleteThanks, Betsy, for taking time to pop over here to read my conversation with Cheryl. In this blogging and ministry and housework-doing and child-raising life it is so easy to get sucked into the vortex of doing. I need continual reminders that what my kids (and my husband) need most is love and attention. I'm the only one with hang-ups about an ultra clean/organized house.
DeleteHI Cheryl and Michele! I have seen Michele's name in comment sections of blogs that I read, so it was really fun to get to know her better. Four boys! That's a lot of busy, busy, busy! I love the commitment she has to her marriage and to family. "Job one" for sure.
ReplyDeleteHope all is well with you Cheryl, and that life has slowed down a bit for you!
So good to be here again...
Oh, it is truly a gift to have you back again, Ceil! I have missed your presence in blogland, and I know it has been a very rough few months for you. I am praying for you, my friend, and trusting Jesus to see you through it all.
DeleteCeil, how kind of you to take time to comment -- and I hope we connect again in the near future!
DeleteSo good to learn more about you here, Michele! Homeschooling was a HARD journey for me, too, but definitely a fulfilling one. That perfectionism battle is one that I can relate to. Sigh. My poor girls. ha. They were probably more glad to graduate from me than I was from schooling. :) Hang in there though; the end is in sight but you have many wonderful days to live out first!
ReplyDeleteYes, we do wear ourselves out when our goal is perfection. Thanks so much for taking time to visit over here -- and blessings to you as you plot your 31 days of writing. It will be here before we know it!
DeleteThank you for your sweet visit, Lisa! God bless you. ;)
DeleteSo enjoyed this interview, Michele. To hear your heart and read about your intentionality ... inspirational. So much wisdom gleaned from this. Thank you. : )
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping and leaving encouragement, Crystal! God bless you. ;)
DeleteNo matter where we meet, Crystal, you bring encouragement with you! Thanks for reading!
DeleteA wonderful interview - good job, friends! Michele, as the mother of two sons, my heart resonated with what you said about your sons. Mine are both grown up and married now, but I find that the mothering journey never really ends, it just evolves. It's a blessing when we are privileged to enjoy a friendship with our children, too. I now have a granddaughter, and I am finding it to be one of God's great gifts in life!!
ReplyDeleteAnd, I love the phrase: "He knows all about the boats." Yup! And I love that He also tells me when it's time to get out of the boat and learn how to walk on water with Him in trust!!
Hi, Sharon. You're the blogger who brings a smile to my face! I am learning the truth that when our parenting in the home ends, it's the beginning of a new phase of parenting in which we parent "in the Spirit" through our prayers, our practical help, and our advice (when it's asked for -- and sometimes when it isn't). And yes, grandchildren are definitely a bonus!
DeleteDear Sharon! Your thoughts and visits and comments ALWAYS bless my heart in so many ways! Praying for you, dear friend, and love and appreciate you so much!
ReplyDeleteWhat great wisdom in your words here: "My husband and I have tried to remind our children that whatever they have in their hand, God will use." Thank you :-)
Thanks, Dolly. I have to remind myself of that truth now and again, as well!
DeleteI loved that advice, too, Dolly. Michele is full of wisdom and encouragement for us all. God bless her...and God bless you, too!
DeleteWhat a blessing to read this. Thank you so much to both of you for writing and sharing this. It's packed full of goodness. The things that challenge and encourage me the most are being wary of creating idols, "He already knows about the boats" and that it's not about what gets done but about pursuing relationships. This reminds me of the Titus 2 Scripture: oh the wisdom that God can gift us through living testimonies like yours, Michele. Thank you so much to both of you for investing time in this special piece.
ReplyDeleteAnna, what a gift to bump into you here! Thanks for taking the time to read and to comment. That quote from Amy Carmichael has stayed with me over the years, because I do have a tendency to feel, as times, as if things that vex me have taken God by surprise as well. So short-sighted! Thanks be to God for His grace.
DeleteThank you, dear Anna, for your kind, encouraging words to both of us! God bless you!!
DeleteCheryl, I so enjoyed this inner view with Michele Morin; to get to know my co-editor on Ifeoma's book. :-) Thank you so much for the depth of your interviews, truly getting to know the person at every level, and most especially in a manner where iron is sharpening iron.
ReplyDeleteMichele, I so enjoyed reading about you, your family and your life. I didn't realize how much you and I have in common!!
What a blessing you both are! :-)
How wonderful, Karen! This is just such a dear blessing to us both! Sending you love and blessings, in return! :)
DeleteHi, Karen! Isn't it great that Ifeoma's book is doing well and that she is stronger physically these days!
ReplyDeleteThanks for joining us here! Have a great week!
I have a lot in common with Michele--being a mom of several sons, to be one common thread. And I love Maine, so Michele, you live in one of my favorite states! And a "thank you" to Cheryl for sharing Michele's story!
ReplyDeleteAnd, a thank you to YOU, dear Beth, for stopping by, reading, and leaving such sweet encouragement behind. God bless you!
DeleteBeth! I didn't realize you had ties to Maine! And it's definitely true that mums of multiple sons need to band together for support!
DeleteI always enjoy reading what Michele writes, and I loved learning more about her. Love and appreciate her heart and wisdom.
ReplyDeleteMichele is a dear blessing to us all! Thank you for stopping by, Debbie. God bless you! :)
DeleteDebbie, so good to hear from you! Trusting that you are still enjoying the process of sharing your beautiful book! Every blessing to you as you spread the word about our Big God.
DeleteCheryl, I'm so glad I'm linked up next to you this week at #TellHisStory ... I would have hated to miss this wonderful interview with Michele. :-) It's so chock full of personal insights, wisdom, grace ... thanks to you both for taking the time to put this together!
ReplyDeleteLois, it's so kind of you to take time to comment, and I'm thankful that we connected here. God is so good to oversee even the details of where we link our blog posts!
DeleteAnd, I am so thankful you linked up next to me, too! So very grateful for your sweet visit and encouragement. God bless you!
DeleteI like you even more, Michele.
ReplyDeleteYou make my day!
DeleteThank you for visiting, Susan! God bless you. :)
DeleteCheryl, you know I love the honesty and humility that comes from my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ… and Michele is no exception. I find myself relating to her personality in many ways… striving more for the humble part along my way.
ReplyDeletePraying for Michele, her family, and you and yours, sister. What an honor it is to do so. Thanks to both of you for the opportunity.
Your visits and words of encouragement are so appreciated, brother. May God bless you abundantly for the blessing you are to us here.
DeleteHumbled by and thankful for your words and your prayers.
DeleteBlessings to you, Floyd.
Great interview!
ReplyDeleteI've always been following Michelle and it's good to know her a little bit more and learn from her sharing.
I'm thankful for your input, Lux, and for your positive role in this blogging community.
DeleteHow wonderful, Lux! God bless you. :)
DeleteWonderful Michele, I spent god amount of minutes reading your interview with Cheryl and ladies it as worth it๐
ReplyDeleteYou both have inspired me this morning.
May God bless you and grant that you both continue to shine brightly for Jesus
And you as well, Ifeoma! So good to hear that the book is doing well, and I'm trusting that you are gaining in strength and wellness each day.
DeleteThank you so much for your precious words of encouragement, Ifeoma! So happy to meet you and welcome you to this space. :) God bless you!
DeleteOhh, loved reading and learning more about Michele. Such a beautiful light, she is. Michele, my youngest started high school this year too. How did our babies get so old already? He's my only one left in school, and this is his first ever year not homeschooling. Cheryl, I don't believe we've met?? Nice to meet you; thanks for sharing this sweet interview. ((grace upon grace))
ReplyDeleteWow, that is a huge transition. I feel very blessed to still have two boys at home, and it has been a gradual thing -- this decline in the amount of hands-on teaching I have to do each day. At this moment, it is only 1:00 in the afternoon, and I'm in the house alone because the boys have other activities they're involved in. Such a strange feeling for me. I'm sure that we'll get used to it, Brenda, and we can both trust for fulfilling and worthwhile pursuits to fill those free moments!
DeleteDear Brenda, I do not believe we have met, either, so it was wonderful to make your acquaintance today! Thank you ever so much for stopping and leaving such sweet encouragement here. God bless you, and please come back anytime!
DeleteThanks for the inspiration, Michele! I hope to have the same kind of impact on my 3 boys. Homeschooling is so hard, but when I hear stores like yours I am inspired all over again. You shine Christ, and it was great to get to know you better. :) Cheryl, I think this is my first time here. Glad to "meet" you. Like Michele I was too timid to be in community before a few months ago, but I'm stepping out now. Blessings to you both! :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear your voice, Kelly. And I do think that the homeschooling mums of multiple boys are in a special category of "sainthood." We have our hands full, but also our hearts!
DeleteDear Kelly, I do believe this is the first time we have met, so I want to say that I am so happy to meet you! I so appreciate your visit and hope you will return often! God bless you!
DeleteHow lovely to get to know more about you. I bet God was giggling when you are your future husband started having "friendship appointments!" Homeschooling is hard and wonderful. We only did it one year, but I'm so glad we did.
ReplyDeleteGinger, so good to hear from you over here. I hadn't realized that homeschooling was also part of your story. And I think God smiles about a lot of the things that we do.
DeleteBlessings to you!
Thanks for stopping by, Ginger! God bless you. :)
DeleteWhat a wonderfully in depth interview of Michele! I love this lady and was thrilled to learn even more about her! Thanks, Michele, for you continuous encouragement! And thanks for sharing this at #MomentsofHope!
ReplyDeleteBlessings and smiles,
Thank you, Lori, for your weekly hospitality -- and for giving us so many opportunities to fix our eyes on the hope that is in Christ Jesus!
DeleteThanks for reading, Lori! God bless you. :)
DeleteThank you Cheryl for the wonderful inner view of Michele. I like her prayer request that her writing and teaching will always be grounded in Truth. This inner view was an inspiration to me raising 4 boys who will become parents of strong families. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.
ReplyDeleteHazel, so good to know that you were inspired by the conversation! Do I understand your comment correctly -- that you, too, are raising four boys? It's a real calling, isn't it, this mothering journey, and it's also an adventure in faith!
DeleteAnd, thank you, sweet Hazel, for your support, encouragement, and love. God bless you!
DeleteWhat a delight to read Michele's beautiful testimony today! So happy to meet you Michele, and what a blessing and encouragement you are to so many people, but you do indeed have your priorities in the right place - at home with your family! Dear Cheryl does such an amazing job of interviewing such precious people with encouraging testimonies, and Michele, your testimony and faith in the Lord is truly inspiring!
ReplyDeleteMay the Lord bless both of you sweet ladies in a special way today :)
Thank you ever so much for your precious, kind words, sweet friend! Love and appreciate you so much!
DeleteI have such good memories of traveling through Idaho with the family about six years ago when we mini-vanned cross country. Amazing views from some of the twistiest roads I've ever driven! Thank you for your kind words here, and for your encouragement to all who are choosing to make their family their main priority.
DeleteI have loved getting to read more about Michele, who is always very encouraging and inspiring in her writings. I followed her over here from the Glimpses link up!
ReplyDeleteBarbie, what a treat to meet you here! Don't you just feel at home with the beautiful quilt of Cheryl's flapping in the breeze on her clothesline? So thankful for you, Barbie, and all your efforts toward building community at Glimpses. Have a wonderful week!